How to "FIT" it in

Easy Ways to Make Your Health & Fitness a Priority Now

Despite what you may think, it doesn’t take a ton of time or even a penny to invest in your health. If you’re tired of feeling sluggish, out of shape or you’re just looking for some new ideas on how to make YOU a priority- you’ve come to the right place.

Below is a list of things you can start doing TODAY that can make a HUGE impact in your overall health tomorrow (and for years to come if you keep at it). And guess what? They’re all totally FREE.

  1. Drink more water

  2. Stretch

  3. Go for a walk

  4. Plan Ahead

  5. Don’t Skip Meals

  6. Take a Break

  7. Get Some Sleep

I know nothing mind-blowing right? But can you honestly say you do ALL of these things on a regular basis? If you do here’s a virtual HIGH FIVE go ahead and bypass to one of my yummy recipe posts and keep on doin’ your thang. But if you don’t do all of these things, then read on.

Let’s take a closer look. When it comes to taking care of our bodies, we often neglect some of the basics. And we skip ahead to big lofty ideas and set unrealistic goals that we might not keep up with or ever meet. Who wants to do that? Why not start with the small stuff and then build from there? Isn’t that easier? I don’t know about you but I feel a whole lot better about myself and life in general when I make a list to help organize myself and am able to make a big old CHECK next to everything on it.

I promise if you pick even just 1 thing on the list above and start making it a regular daily practice it will make a positive difference in your life. Challenge yourself to start doing 1 of these things daily and next week, try adding in 1 or 2 more. Before you know it, you’ll be doing all 7 of these things on a regular daily basis without even thinking.

All ready to “jump in” with me?