Welcome to the NEW Website: Time to Get Busy Living


Welcome friends. I am so excited you showed up here! Today I relaunched the EMPOWERED BY MEG website. An update and a refresh was way overdue and something I’ve been working on in my head for almost 2 years! Quarantine gave me the perfect opportunity to finally sit down and get busy making it happen. Not by myself of course! Shoutouts to web designer Dani DeLucia for creating the new website and graphic designer Nelson Holland for creating the new logos. I hope you like what you see and find everything you need to get busy living.

While the About Me page gives you my professional background, I wanted to share with you a bit more personally. I’ve poured so much of myself into my business over the last 12 years that it’s extremely difficult to not look at it as an extension of who I am. This is my passion, this is my purpose, and it’s not by accident. 

I had the privilege to grow up in a family that supported and encouraged entrepreneurship. My father owned his own business and from a very young age he was teaching me how to get busy living with passion and purpose. He never missed an opportunity to tell me that I could do anything I wanted to do in life. In fact, EMPOWERED’s Get Busy Living motto is a nod to my father, Bob. It comes from something he used to talk about often, regarding how we could either get busy dying or get busy living and that it was up to us to decide which one it was going to be. He had an infinite amount of energy and was always getting busy. Sadly, we lost him very suddenly and unexpectedly a little over 2 years ago. My father’s love and the way he lived his life, dramatically shaped who I am. His faith in me and constant encouragement to follow my dreams no matter what, is one of the things that has helped me to continue to get busy living every day that he’s been gone.

Like many parents, my mother and father wanted me to find happiness in both my work and personal life. They never forced me down any specific path. Thanks in large part to my mother, I had the chance to find my own path many times over. She helped save my life. When I was 5 years old and became extremely ill, my mother refused to accept “No” when she tried to tell people something was very wrong with me. I’m grateful she got busy saying “Please listen to me, my daughter is sick even if you don’t see the symptoms”. Thanks to my mother and a special doctor who listened to her, I was ultimately diagnosed with a large brain tumor sneakily hiding behind my eyes. I had surgery to remove it and was further fortunate to have it be benign. 

This experience greatly influenced how I would get busy living as I got older in my attempts to play every sport I could. My mother was always cornered about me getting hit in the head and the potential for a future tumor, so even though she probably would have preferred me to not get so physically busy living, she still encouraged me to do what made me happy. Thanks Mom!

I know that my health circumstances could have been very different and this has never been lost on me. It definitely was on my mind frequently when I went on to work for the American Cancer Society some 20 years later and met folks who would not be so lucky with their brain tumors. 

In my late 20’s, I got busy living in a different way when I found the courage to leave an abusive and unhealthy marriage. Carrying the secrecy and weight of what I had been experiencing was one of the biggest workouts of my life! And trying to navigate the divorce process, a new life with no savings, and living paycheck to paycheck taught me many life lessons on how to get back to getting busy living. 

With the help of family and friends and a lot of determination, I pushed on. This lead to finding love again and launching EMPOWERED BY MEG (with the encouragement of my now husband Dan).

Since then, life has taught me more ways to get busy living. All of it has lead me to where I am now. And it all mattered. The good, the not so good, and everything in between. I consider myself a life long learner and when the pandemic hit, it was time to get busy living once again, but in a very different way. Like everyone else, I found myself with a lot more time to get busy living with the added challenge of not being able to do it in the ways I was used to.

I like to stay busy, in case you couldn’t tell. I think we all have the potential to get busy living. There is always something new to learn, you just have to be open to the possibilities. When you make the decision to get busy living you have the opportunity to change the course of things. Not just for yourself, but for those around you. Yes, you will make mistakes, I’ve made many, but those are just more ways to get busy living if you choose to reflect on the lessons learned and commit to do better the next time.

I hope you’ll get busy living with me here and on your own. 

MaryEllen Giombetti